Friday, March 29, 2013

potted succulents.

Succulents are the cutest plants. And they're low maintenance! Before I added succulents to my room, I had no idea where to start. I knew their basic needs - soil and water, duh - but I had no idea what succulents specifically needed until I did a little research. My first step was choosing a few that caught my eye from the garden section of the hardware store.
If you are thinking of planting succulents, here is what you will need: pebbles, cactus soil, orchid bark, a glass or metal pot, and your choice of succulents (all shown above).
I decided to choose a few trinkets as accessories, including a metal unicorn that doesn't stand on its own and a labeled popsicle stick.
First, pour the pebbles into the pot, about two inches deep.
Next, fill the pot with cactus soil and add the succulents. Fill in the pot, applying pressure as you go to make sure the succulents are tightly nestled.
Sprinkle orchid bark over soil and add accessories to the pot if you wish.
Place pot in a sunshiny spot where you won't forget about them. Water every week to two weeks, but more in the hotter months.

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